Panch Sudhaar – Country Needs them Right Away

Prime Minister Modi called for Panch Pran (oath/pledge) from the Red Fort on Independence Day.

These pledges are: Taking pride in our civilizational roots, Removing traces of colonial mindest, a developed India by 2047, Duties and responsibilities of citizens, and unity among workers.

Not to be outdone, the chief of AAP who is discredited with the removal of donor lists from his party’s website soon jumped out with 5 Kaam (tasks). Flushed with unaccounted money, he is threatening to take a nationwide tour in the name of Make India Number 1 and exhorting Indians to join the National Mission, he is trying to set his own agenda. Misleadingly enough, he is coming to the same rhetoric that this project has nothing to do with party politics.

The fact remains that the aspirations of the country can be met with sudhaars (reforms). (Photo: Canva)

The political parties are desperate to outsmart each other because the very survival depends upon showing each other down or in poor light. Whereas, politics demands that the elected representatives work with the spirit of working together for nation-building.

The fact remains that the aspirations of the country can not be met without sudhaars (reforms). Mere incremental changes will not help, we need reforms to galvanize our country. There are many reforms that we need, but Panch Sudhar (5 Reforms) that we need immediately are:

  1. Ban electoral Bonds- the symbols of black money in politics
  2. Bring political parties under RTI
  3. Right to Recall and Right to Initiative
  4. Ban big currency notes immediately
  5. Give 7 % of the national budget in form of untied funds to Gram Panchayats to empower them in a realistic manner.

The country needs real reforms to bring an overhaul. So, Panch Pran is good, no one is stopping them to do Panch Kaam, but we really need Panch Sudhaar in order to upgrade our democracy.

“लोक उम्मीदवार” के माध्यम से भाई-भतीजावाद की समस्या को खत्म किया जा सकता है।

हाल ही में प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने कहा कि हमारे देश में भाई-भतीजावाद (Nepotism) एक बहुत बड़ी समस्या है। राजनीती में परिवारवाद, भाई भतीजावाद का बोलबाला आपको स्पष्ट दीखता है- गांधी, लालू ,करूणानिधि , मुलायम,देवीलाल -चौटाला, ममता -अभिषेक, इत्यादि। लेकिन प्रश्न यह उठता है कि इसका उपाय क्या है?

तो आपको बात दें की इसका उपाय भी राजनीतिक दलों के पास ही है। पार्टियां जनता का प्रतिनिधित्व करती हैं, तो परिवारवाद, हाई कमांड कल्चर जैसे विकारों को पार्टियों से खत्म करने का दायित्व भी उन्हीं का बनता है। लेकिन क्या यह राजनीतिक दल अपने आप को सुधारेंगे? क्या बिल्ली अपने गले में घंटी खुद बाँधेगी? अगर आज की स्थिति को देखा जाए तो लगता नहीं कि ऐसा कुछ होगा। लेकिन क्या जनता इन राजनीतिक दलों को, पार्टियों में व्याप्त विकारों को खत्म करने व सुधार लाने के लिए विवश कर सकती है?

देश में भाई, भतीजावाद एक बहुत बड़ी समस्या है। (साभार: Wikimedia Commons)

आज भारतीय लोकतंत्र पर राजनीति दल इस कदर हावी हो चुके हैं कि वह एक गैंग की तरह नजर आने लगे हैं। आप सभी ने राजीव दीक्षित का एक वीडियो देखा होगा जिसमें उन्होंने कहा है कि किसी भी एक नगर में या क्षेत्र में हमें अपना जन प्रतिनिधि चाहिए, तो हम (जनता ) उसका चुनाव कर उसे संसद में भेज सकते हैं, इस के लिए यह दल या पार्टियां क्यों चाहिए?

तो उनकी इस बात से यह समझ आता है कि वास्तव में लोकतंत्र में राजनीतिक दल न भी हो, तो भी लोकतंत्र को चलाया जा सकता है।

इसके अतिरिक्त अगर हम इस परिकल्पना में न भी जाएं की राजनीतिक दलों को पूर्ण रूप से खत्म कर दिया जाए, तब भी अगर राजनीतिक दल इस तरह का सुधार लेकर आएं कि उसमें कोई भी सदस्य उतना ही हक रखता हो की वह पद, जिम्मेदारियों के साथ पार्टी में आगे बढ़ सके। यानी कि पार्टी में आंतरिक लोकतंत्र की स्थापना हो।

पश्चिम जगत के देशों में इस प्रकार के रिफॉर्म्स को लाया जा चुका है। उन देशों में ऐसी प्रणाली विकसित की गई है, जिसकी वजह से राजनीतिक दल किसी एक या कुछ लोगों की बपौती नहीं बनती है। इसलिए परिवारवाद-भाई भतीजावाद जैसी समस्या वहाँ देखने को नहीं मिलती है।

भारतीय परिप्रेक्ष्य में यह करना असंभव लगता है, लेकिन अगर हम प्रधानमंत्री की बात पर जाएं तो इसके कुछ उपाय यह लगते हैं।

  1. भारतीय निर्वाचन आयोग (ECI) स्वतः प्रधानमंत्री की भावनाओं का ध्यान रखते हुए, आंतरिक लोकतंत्र (inner party democracy ) के लिए कानून बनाए। या ऐसा सिस्टम बनाए की अगर राजनीतिक दल आंतरिक लोकतंत्र से नहीं लेकर आती हैं तो, पार्टी की मान्यता रद्द कर दी जाएगी।
  2. संसद के माध्यम से भी इस पहलू पर विचार किया जा सकता है और कानून बनाया जा सकता है।
  3. लोक उम्मीदवार (Lok Ummedwar): जनता भी राजनीतिक दलों की गुंडागर्दी, धाकड़बाजी, माफियाखोरी से परेशान है। और इसको खत्म करने के लिए, जनता भी एक व्यवस्था के तहत लोक समितियाँ बनाकर या मतदाता परिषद के तहत, जनता बड़े स्तर पर, अपने क्षेत्र से अपना उम्मीदवार या प्रतिनिधि खड़ा कर सकती है। उन जन उम्मीदवारों को भी चुनावों में राजनीतिक दलों के प्रतिनिधियों के मुकाबले चुनाव लड़वा सकती है। आप इस विचार को लोक उम्मीदवार (Lok Ummedwar) भी कह सकते हैं। इसी के माध्यम से राजनीतिक दलों को भी विवश होना पड़ेगा की वह अपने में सुधार लेकर आएं।

On the eve of America’s Independence Day, let’s understand American politics

On the eve of American Independence Day (July 4), having lived in the USA for almost 20 years, here are my thoughts. Without sounding cynical, I still believe that the US can continue to be a beacon of hope, liberty, and freedom of speech, but for that to happen, the politicians and thought leaders have to do some soul searching and bring true democracy back on track.

1. DARK MONEY: The US is no more democracy at this point, It has steadily transformed into an oligarchy.  The common man has no actual say in politics and policy. 

That EVIL ruling by none other than the Supreme Court of the US (SCOTUS) in the year 2010 (United Citizens Vs FEC case has legitimized and accentuated the role of black and Dark Money in politics. Now that money rules US politics, your ideas and activism are secondary.

This image was shot by me in Bloomington IL

2. Lobbying: The system of lobbying has essentially created a system where you keep corrupting the lawmakers and Congress. It has turned lawmakers into money-sucking parasites of the corporate world. Lawmakers essentially work for the interest groups and not for the welfare of the public.

3. Too Less the Players: The 2 party system is not working. They are so polarized that they refuse to work for the needs of the public. This duopoly has to be broken. We need at least a couple of more significant political parties to represent the aspirations and needs of the people.

4. Gerrymandering is a serious blot on the US democracy. How can Democrats and Republicans decide the voting maps according to their suitability? It is a clear conflict of interest as far as the public is concerned.

5. Many grassroots organizations are working hard to get the rights for Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) – also called the Preferential voting system. They want RCV to replace the First Past the Post voting system. On a personal note, I fully endorse this.

6. Liberty and Freedom: The US needs to make conscious efforts to keep this as the plank because erosions seem to have started. 

7. Racism: The Americans are nice people, but I still do not understand why this issue keeps making headlines. Times are changing and we need to bury this. 

Happy July 4!

Pakistan: Will Imran Khan be a Rabble Rouser Prime Minister?

As Mr. Atal Behari Vajpeyee once said: “You can change friends, but not  neighbors.”

Even though Pakistan was carved out of India, today Pakistan is a bête noire for India. At the expense of sounding politically incorrect. India will continue to live with this neighbor that is perennially unstable. divisive and emotive.

There was no basis for creation of Pakistan. And if religion (leading to a pure and pious nation) was the core basis for creation of Pakistan, in 70 odd years, this has been proven amply wrong. Islamic Republic of Pakistan is an anomaly that\will continue to keep itself unstable. As long as Pakistan remains a THEOCRACY, it will continue to spell doom for itself  and its neighbors. Let me quickly add that an unstable, economically struggling Pakistan is of no pleasure to India. A peaceful and prosperous neighbor is what India  would naturally like to have. 

Former Cricketer Mr. Imran Khan is predicted to be the next Prime Minister of Pakistan.  His political struggle for last 2 decades seems be paying off. The results of Pakistan’s  national elections held 2 days back have not been yet fully declared, but look at the tone of its Prime Minister-in-waiting. Mr. Khan’s tone and tenor. It is confusing and contradictory.

Mr. Khan stated yesterday:

  • “If India takes one step towards us, we will take two steps toward them…but at least (we) need a start. Right now, it is one-sided where India is constantly just blaming us.”
  • Kashmir is the core issue.
  • We want to improve trade with India.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah started singing the tune of a secular Pakistan. This excerpt is from his first speech to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan in 1947.

The irony is that having succeeded in getting India divided on the basis of religion (Islam), Muhammad Ali Jinnah started singing the tune of a secular Pakistan. This excerpt is from his first speech to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan in 1947. Wikimedia Commons


Let us take a frank look at Mr. Imran Khan;s confused thought process.

If Kashmir is the core issue and Imran Khan continues to focus at its as a core issues, he also knows that relations with India are likely to remain cold.

Trade and Kashmir harping can not go together as Khan must know that Pakistan is the cause of unrest in Kashmir.

Pakistan needs a statesman Prime Minister and it seems that Mr. Imran Khan does not fit into that mould. He is considered close to the Pakistani Army (aptly called a state within a state) and can often go hawkish. His love for Islamic militant organizations is also well known. In fact, some experts have openly labelled him as Imran “Taliban” Khan. Khan is also provocatively anti-American.

An ex-CIA officer has gone to the extent of saying that the upcoming Military-Imran combination will be more problematic for SE Asia.



दैनिक जागरण में प्रकाशित मेरा आलेख : अमरीकी राष्ट्रपति चुनाव -चयन की चुनौती

अगस्त १२, २०१६: दैनिक जागरण में आज प्रकाशित मेरा आलेख : अमरीकी राष्ट्रपति चुनाव -चयन की चुनौती

Jagran Aug 12 2016 US Elections

Looking beyond the land boundary deal

Oped section of The Pioneer, dated June 15 carried my write-up highlighting the issue of illegal immigrants in India from Bangladesh: Looking beyond the land boundary deal

Narendra Modi has done well on the land deal with Bangladesh. But he has ignored the issue of illegal migration. The need is for infiltration-proof borders.

Link to the full article:

Incentivise positives or punish negatives?

The Pioneer June 3 2015 Compulsory Voting

Op-ed section in The Pioneer carried my analysis on Gujarat’s decision to make voting in upcoming  local elections compulsory:  Incentivise positives or punish negatives

Link to the full article:

The Estonia example for Delhi

Capture c

The Pioneer‘ newspaper published my piece on how Estonia’s e-governance model can be emulated to make Delhi paperless.

Estonia boasts of rapid Internet connections at over 1,000 public places across the country. Most of these places provide free of cost Wi-Fi. This has resulted into use of Internet for many daily activities. In Estonia, close to 98 per cent banking transactions and 94 per cent of income tax declarations took place through the Internet in 2012. The Government’s expenditures can be tracked in real time by anyone using the Internet.

Such measures seem reminiscent of the Aam Aadmi Party’s working, which allows anyone to view the donations made to the party or know of recent decisions to upload land titles online for public viewing.

To read the full article, please click the link:

उपलब्धि भरे 100 दिन


सौ दिन किसी सरकार के प्रदर्शन के आकलन के लिये प्रयाप्त नहीं है, फिर भी इससे सकेंत तो मिल ही जाता है कि सरकार किस दिशा कि ओर जा रही है।

दिल्ली में आम आदमी पार्टी की सरकार की 100 दिनों  की उपलब्धियों पर  दैनिक जागरण  में प्रकाशित मेरा आलेख: उपलब्धि भरे सौ दिन

AAP’s nabbing 100 days


The Aam Aadmi Party-led Delhi government completed 100 days in office on May 24, 2015.

Political parties in India have a simple rule: Come to power, enjoy for four years, fulfil a couple of promises listed in their manifesto at the onset of the fifth year and reel out a make a new manifesto with same points for the next election. So when AAP got down to work from the very first day, it raised many eyebrows.

My article published on May 24, 2015 in Daily Post on Aam Aadmi Party’s achievements in its 100 days of rule in Delhi.

The Link: