Providing effective health cover

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My piece published on March 17, 2015 in ‘The Pioneer’ on why the Government instead of  running its own health facilities, should consider providing health insurance to its citizens: Providing effective health cover

To read the full article please click on the web link:

Universal healthcare for India


 The Pioneer dated March 10, 2015  published my analysis of the basic health care delivery models that are prevalent in the world and how India can improve its healthcare system: Universal healthcare for India

To read the article please click on the web link:

क्या दिल्ली एक टिकाऊ शहर है?

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अंग्रेज़ी के ‘सस्टेनेबल’ शब्द का अर्थ है टिकाऊपन, स्थायित्व या दीर्घकालिता। इसका मतलब यह कि मानव और उसके चारों ओर का परितंत्र एक दूसरे के साथ शांति, विकास और सामंजस्य से रहे। जबकि आज दिल्ली बढ़ती आबादी, विकास के नाम पर दुर्गति और नियोजन के मजाक की जीती-जागती मिसाल बन गई है।

 कल दिनांक, 9 मार्च 2015 के ‘अमर उजाला’ समाचार पत्र में प्रकाशित हुआ मेरा आलेख: क्या दिल्ली एक टिकाऊ शहर है?

Is Delhi Sustainable?

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Today Delhi has become a living testimony to mass (teeming population), misery (in the name of development)and mockery (of planning)!

My article published in Maharashtra based newspaper Lokmat times highlighting the urgent need to rescue Delhi from this man-made crisis: Is Delhi Sustainable?

Link to my article:

Healthcare challenges to new government in Delhi

Delhi’s crumbling health care system needs overhaul and some out of the box ideas.While, increasing budgetary spending on health will definitely help, there could be several other ways to meet the need.

My piece in Indian Express published today – Healthcare challenges to new government in Delhi:

AAP’s landslide win in Delhi is a victory of the common man

The stunning victory of Aam Aadmi Party is not only a resounding verdict on the steadfastness, self-belief and hard work of largely volunteer-driven Aam Aadmi Party; it is equally a reminder to the incumbent BJP (at Centre) that public goodwill cannot be sustained if promises are not kept.

Here is my analysis on AAP’s historic win published in DNA on February 10, 2015 – AAP’s landslide win in Delhi is a victory of the common man

Reality not rosy for US blacks


On the outside, the US has turned the page on its history of racial discrimination. The world’s oldest democracy currently has its first ever African American President in Barack Obama. But the ground reality is far from rosy.

As  USA celebrates February as African American History Month, my analysis published on February 20, 2015 in the Chandigarh and Delhi-based Newspaper “Daily Post”: Reality not rosy for US blacks

सपनों के देश में यह कैसा अंधेरा ?


पिछली दो शताब्दियों में अमेरिका ने सभी क्षेत्रों में अभूतपूर्व विकास किया है, पर अपने समाज में श्वेत-अश्वेत के बीच नस्ली भेदभाव की खाई पाटने में पूरी तरह कामयाब नहीं हो पाया है। आज जब वह खुद को विश्व नेता के रूप में स्थापित करना चाहता है, तब उसे अपने घर में फैली नस्ली असमानता मिटाने पर गंभीरता से ध्यान देना चाहिए। इन दिनों अमेरिका में ‘अफ्रीकन अमेरिकन हिस्ट्री मंथ’ मनाया जा रहा है।19 फरवरी, 2015 के नवभारत टाइम्स समाचारपत्र में प्रकाशित मेरा लेख – सपनों के देश में यह कैसा अंधेरा:

Resignation of Arvind Kejriwal: Nishkaam karma

Is AAP deeply worried about the quality of the Indian intellectuals who interpret Shri Kejriwal’s

resignation from Chief Minister ship as betrayal and/or escapism instead of seeing it as an

example of NISHKAM KARMA YOGA. This resignation is in sharp contrast to the behavior of

the present day politicians.

Its precedence in the contemporary history is that of Subhas Chandra Bose’s resignation from

ICS. In the antiquity it is comparable to Chandragupta Maurya’s ascetic life in present day

Srobon Belgola of Karnak. Emperor Ashok’s life as a saint. Prince Gutam Buddha’s Maha

Nishkraman. And Emperor Kharbels sainthood in Kalinga.

What happens or has happened to the inner fabric of a nation whose dominating intellectual class

– product of current education system – are either unable or unwilling to appreciate the real

significance of Kejriwal’s resignation? Does AAP feel alarmed of the quality of the education

system that breeds such elements? If yes- what educational reforms do they intend to introduce?