More Than Tomorow (MTT) Project

In India only 2 % of all schools have computers. Working to bridge the last mile of the “Digital Divide” is the US-based not for profit “More Than Tomorrow“.

Its founder Marshall Krinitz is an affable personality who is passionate about his mission. A chance meeting with him at the local swimming pool got us to know each other. MTT Project is aimed at helping villages to acquire computers. As the brochure says: “The guiding principle is the belief that if we partner with people, especially people in poor, rural areas, and provide them the cutting- edge tools with which to enhance their lives, we can initiate a new dynamic.” It is a humnle beginning on his part, but given his commitment, I am sure the organization will be a great help to the needy people.

Started in mid- 2007, the Organization is mainly working in rural areas of Dharamshala, HP.

Valentine Day

Valentine Day and the hype and hoopla! Over last many years, this day too has become increasingly commercialized and one can not escape the harangue associated with it. You got to go and get kids purchase bulk cards for the phenomenon called “Classroom Valentine”! It is a fun for kids, I know! Nancy Gibbs has rightly observed in an essay in Time Magazine: “The best gift for Valentine’s Day is to ignore it altogether.”

Regional “Avatar”: Raj Thackeray

Now we have a new regional “avatar” in form of Raj Thackeray! The eagerness to become regional satraps can make them stoop to any level, and Raj is no exception! “Divide people” is their mantra!

Thus the clarion call given by raj Thackeray of a regional political outfit Maharastra Navnirnman Sena (MNS) is to pit North Indians against Maharastrians or Mumbaikars (residents of Mumbai). This is not constructive (as the name Navnirman would suggest), this is totally destructive! Not only that, Raj and his goons are taking law into their hands and causing damage to the property.
I am sure public is not going to be drawn into this divisive politics, but the government should deal firmly with Raj and his bandwagon! Click here for the news-piece.

Case of Race in USA

The ongoing US Presidential election primaries do witness discussion on race issue , even though many a time in a subtle manner! The reason is that both democratic hopefuls- Barak Obama (an African American) and Hillary Clinton ( a female Presidential aspirant) have carefully avoided this issue hotting up due to political compulsions. But, yes, the concept of race in USA is definitely an issue.
I recently read a reader’s views in The Time magazine and tend to agree what he has said. His letter says:
“Caught Between Color Lines I enjoyed John Cloud’s “breaking down the Black Vote” [Jan. 28]. I am from Tanzania, and like many foreigners who come to the U.S., I found—to my surprise—that I belong to a pool of supposedly disadvantaged minorities. I struggle with the skewed concept of race in America. For some reason, having black blood is almost seen as some kind of contamination. How would this racial-political dialogue play out if, say, Barack Obama were one-fourth or one-eighth black? I am reminded of the Christian teachings on original sin. However good, intelligent or capable a person you might be, there is something that still taints your righteousness. Whether we like it or not, Obama’s black half will ultimately lead to the demise of his presidential aspirations. “

Yohanne Kidolezi, BOSTON

Baba Amte Passes Away

Noted social activist and Magsaysay award winner Murlidhar Devidas Amte alias Baba Amte died at his Anandvan ashram in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra on Saturday, February 09,2008. He was 94.

I was saddened to hear about his demise. He leaves behind the wonderful legacy of selfless service of the downtrodden and weaker section of the society, particularly leprosy patients. His 2 sons are ably carrying on the legacy. Dr Vikas Amte looks after the operations in Ananadvan and younger son- Dr Prakash Amte- who is better known as the ‘jungle doctor’ is serving the tribal s in remote areas in Vidarbha (central parts of India). Theirs is the long established tradition of selfless service!

I personally drew great inspiration from Baba Amte. I remember having visited Anandvan and personally saw the wonderful community work which had been raised over the decades in Anandvan (Ananadvan is a Sanskrit/ Hindi name and literally means ‘forest of joy’). It has brought succor and relief to thousands of leprosy patients.

Presidential Elections

For US presidential elections 2008, primary caucuses are going on, and 2 days back, the nation saw Super Tuesday/ Super Duper being held. Once in a while, I will throwup the issue towards my son, who is 8 +. A few weeks back, he told me-what he digested from the knowledge his class teacher gave them- that these elections are going to be historical becuase either way US may see a first female President (Hillary) or a first African-American individual (Obama) being elected. I agreed with him partially!

So this tuesday I was explaining the concept of Super Tuesday where many states hold primaries on the same day. He added that on Democratic side, there were 2 in race (Hillary and Obama), whereas on Republican side, there were : John Mccain, Mitt Romney. Apparently, in his class, there was no discussion on Juliani and John Edwards! I added my input on how electiosn are held and how a potential candidate has to spend millions of money to run his show, like publicity, media coverage,etc.

Last night as we headed towards our home after a school book fair, Subramaniyam (Sub in short) pointed towards the voting machines which were kept in the school (for super tuesday). He added:” Dad! In my class, I am the only kid who is not US born, thus I can not become President of USA.” I asked which country would entitle you to become a President, he replied: India. I added: “Well, Indian President House is much bigger that White House”. He continued in the same enthusiastic tone: ” One has to spend less money to give advertisements in media also there! And it may be easier to become President there, to which I replied: ” Not necessarily. The competition may be equally tough there too”.

American Presidency and Religion

When decades ago, father of Mitt Romney – who was a mormon- contested elections for Governor in one of the US State, his faith or religion was not under scanner. Now Mitt Romney- a Republican presidential candidate for 2008- faces a tougher turf. His faith is definitely being scrutinized with a wider media and public coverage.

In 1960, presidential candidate John F. Kennedy asked the nation to disregard his religion. In 2000, George W. Bush informed the nation that Jesus was his favorite philosopher.

In his new book, God in the White House, Randall Balmer explores the interplay between religion and politics in America, tracking the “religionization” of the Oval Office across the last half of the 20th century. Balmer is a professor of American religious history at Barnard College. Also the author of the Encyclopedia of Evangelicalism and editor-at-large of Christianity Today, Randall Balmer was ordained as an Episcopal priest in 2006.

Buddhadeb: Greater Fundamentalist

The noted writer Mahasweta Devi has called for resignation of West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee accusing him of being responsible for ousting Bangaldeshi Muslim writer Taslima Nasreen from Kolkatta. Devi has termed the CM as a greater fundamentalist. Read more.

This is what I call fresh air! Is Indian media listening? The Gujarat CM -Narendra Modi-has been denigrated for years, but what about the leftists and the chips of the same block (read Congress, and ilks of Mayawatis, Laloos and Mulayams who have systematically eroded the very concept of secularism and have played dirty games of communal politics)!

Kidney Racket in Gurgaon

A new kidney racket has been busted in Gurgaon, a satellite town of Delhi. Poor and gullible people are lured into making quick bucks and by the time they realize that they have lost their kidneys, it is too late. The un-regulated medical profession of India throws up new surprises and this utterly inhuman crime will soon be buried in the past! It is another waive of news that will soon pass by and such tragic event will start shaping up at a new place under a new set of criminal intents. Keep watching! Health officials are in deep slumbers!