The concept of global warming has crossed the technical corridors and is gaining a wider acceptance in the public. I am sure humans all over the globe are becoming aware of this phenomenon, even if not in a technical language.
The concept of carbon emmission is linked to global warming. The developing nations -even though they are already very ‘clean’ environmentally- are pushing for the harder measures to tackle this concept. They seem to have a vision as to what is happening with our Mother Nature.
On the other hand, developing nations seem woefully ignorant of the harm they are causing to the environment. Being from India and living in USA, I can fully understand this atleast what it seems to be on a gross examination. Our India- now under the seize of economic liberalization – is busting at the full pace! The “sleeping elephant”- as the western media so fondly likes to describe it- is waking to its full realization, but with scant regard to environment. We have – I must admit it with great pain- become mute spectators towards the increasing degradation of our environment. Even if people realize it, there does not seem to be any effective policy to arrest this. There is no political will to take some concrete action to save our environment, but are happily basking in the glory of our expanding economy! This is evident by the rolly polly regulations regarding housing construction, traffic and pollution control, industrialization and so on. The lop-sided development of the country has ensured that villagers continue to run towards cities and citi-dwellers are running towards bigger cities; the final destination seems to be our metropolitan cities. This goes without saying that the rapid uncontrolled urbanization without any proper planning is having a disastrous impact on our nation.
On a closer scrutiny, the question is: who is causing more carbon emmission: the seemingly cleaner looking but heavily industrialized developed nations or less industrialized but ‘choatic looking’ developing nations? While I need more info on this, it seems the “Ultimate Truth” lies in tackling this danger in a combined way. The issue aroused my curosity even further when I read the news about India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh stating in the ongoing G-8 Summit in Germany that ”due care must be taken not to allow growth and development of developing countries to be undermined while dealing with climate protection..”. But who is preventing the developing nations like us to implement tighter regulations so that we have a more regulated civic growth! If we are totally hapless to regulate our choatic urbanization, pollution and behaving like greedy citizens hell bent upon just focussing to make our own nests at the cost of our environment, why blame this on developed nations.
All measures are bound to meet unsuccess if the portion of globe where probably 1/3 of the humanity lives, does not awaken to the harsh realities of the Global Warming: yes, India and China must cleanse their land, their polluted rivers and lakes and ‘purify’ the smoke-ladden air if the Mother Earth wants not to suffocate in the decades to come. And it is no easy a task! I close my post with this saying by Thomas Huxley: “It is not who is right, but what is right, that is of importance.”